Out now! And featuring the final installment of my serialized Cosmic Horror/Haunted House tale: "Walker."
Published By The Stygian Lepus. Click the image to read!
Full TOC
Call Me Karma by Linda M. Crate
Dora of Boat Landing Road by Ann Wuehler
Eating the Elephant: What You Don’t Know You Know by Kimberly Rei & Dean Shawker
Echoes in the Silence by Avery Hunter
Enter the Apocalypse by Jack D. Harvey
Fine, I am the Monster by Linda M. Crate
Hairy and Scary by Don Money
Holy Mother of the Drowned by Laila Amado
Horned Demon by Janis Butler Holm
Jesus Is My Co-pilot by Delphine Gauthier-Georgakopoulos
Just What I Want by Warren Benedetto
Kings of Winter by Engilbert Egill Stefánsson
Look for the Faces by L. Anne Greenspan
Nothing But A Monster by Linda M. Crate
On an Old Billy Goat by Dennis McFadden
Organ Donor by Trier Ward
Return of the Drummer – Part Four by Jodi Jensen
Rides by Trier Ward
The Gift of Immortality by Lori Green
Vampire Bunny by Janis Butler Holm
Waking by Trier Ward
Walker – Part Four by Glynn Owen Barrass
When Did I Say I was Only Love and Light by Linda M. Crate
Worse Than Death by Rod Raglin
Your Society by Linda M. Crate
A Hudson & Brand Abroad! Adventure!
A strange background hum starts to affect the non-native residents of Taos City, in the New Mexico Territory. A respected professor, intrigued by the seemingly localized aural affliction, sends a telegram to the investigators, asking for their help in uncovering the source. Conflicting stories, a trio of conspirators, and a cultural divide will complicate their investigations in to hum. Will the investigators be able to help the people of Taos and the nearby Pueblo?
The Taos Hum is an adventure for Cthulhu by Gaslight, a Victorian setting for Chaosium's horror roleplaying game, Call of Cthulhu.
Laid out like one of the popular Victoria-era Penny Dreadfuls, the scenario is supported by handouts, maps, NPCs and a new threat for your Call of Cthulhu games.
Published by Stygian Fox
Available from DriveThruRPG
Out now! And featuring the third installment of my serialized Cosmic Horror/Haunted House tale: "Walker."
Published By The Stygian Lepus. Click the image to read!
Full TOC
A Fool’s Demise by Jasiah Witkofsky
A Man About a Dog by Jim Mountfield
A Visit from Carl by John Grey
Dunmere Field by Don Money
Eat the Elephant: The Dreaded Red Pen by Kimberly Rei & Dean Shawker
Mask by John R.C. Potter
Night Companion by John Grey
One Coin, Two Sides by Kimberly Rei
Place Your Bets by Eric Farrell
Return of the Drummer – Part Three by Jodi Jensen
The Place Where Elation and Excitement Meet by Tim Law
Unholy Sonnet by Mark J. Mitchell
Walker – Part Three by Glynn Owen Barrass
Weird Fiction Quarterly returns for its fourth installment, rounding out the seasonal cycle with a special double-sized volume featuring two themes: Fall and Halloween!
This edition features two of my stories: "Loose Ends" and "The Sleeping City."
Within these pages, you will harvest twice as many 500-word stories from your favorite authors while gazing terrified upon morbid illustrations by Sarah Walker, Nora Peevy, and Andy Joynes. The bewitching cover painting by Robert H. Knox makes this issue a cherishable autumnal keepsake.
And if that weren’t enough, this issue features a bagful of spectral poetry by K.A. (The Pumpkin King) Opperman, Adam Bolivar, and Maxwell I. Gold.
Inside, fall’s colors come to haunting life. So light your Jack-o’-lantern, grab some candy or hot apple cider, and settle in for a long, cold, and spooky night. We have a feast of treats for you, but be careful: there are plenty of tricks in here, too.
Featuring original new work from:
Mercedes M. Yardley
Mark McLaughlin
Denise Dumars
Roger Keel
Jay Sturner
Melanie Crew
... and many more!
Available in Color Edition, Black and White Edition, And Ebook format.
Coming in December, and available now for pre-order! Our newest anthology from PS Publishing.
Mystery, Murder, Madness, Mythos!
Edited by myself & Brian M. Sammons.
Cover art by Tomislav Tikulin.
In Signed Hardcover and Trade Paperback.
Welcome to a world of murder mystery, warped and enhanced through a Cthulhu Mythos lens! We bring to you within these pages twelve stories written by some of weird fiction’s best and brightest authors. This includes writers such as Tim Waggoner, Lucy A. Snyder, John Langan, and more. Join us as their detectives, amateur, professional, and accidental, attempt to solve mysteries set within the weirdest, most godforsaken places. See if you can solve the crimes before our flawed but most intrepid detectives do. Lives may be lost, sanity, most certainly, and all within the murder mystery genre we all know and love, combined with Lovecraftian horror at its finest.
"Introduction"....Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons
"Cathedrals of Despair"....Tim Waggoner
"The Long March"....William Meikle
"Death Beneath the Dread Sleeper"....Lucy A. Snyder
"Japanese Whispers"....Thana Niveau
"The Death of Truth"....Peter Rawlik & Sal Ciano
"And At The Hour Of Our Death"....John Linwood Grant
"The Nothing That Is Not, The Nothing That Is"....John Langan
"No Detective Needed"....Darrell Schweitzer
"The Dreaming Detective"....David Conyers
"The Doom That Came to Wyrock"....Orrin Grey
"Three Deaths and a Big Light"....Don Webb
"Like Dogs"....Nick Mamatas
The second part of my Cosmic Horror/Haunted House story "Walker" serialized in The Stygian Lepus online magazine, is now available. The full story will also be released as a print edition.
You can read chapter 2 here.
From Rogue Planet Press and featuring my story Acceleratrix!
An anthology of the greatest writers, poets, and illustrators ever to grace the pages of LOVECRAFTIANA: THE MAGAZINE OF ELDRITCH HORROR.
Voted for by members of the LOVECRAFTIANA FANS AND CONTRIBUTORS Facebook page.
I am proud to announce that my Cosmic Horror/Haunted House story "Walker" is being serialized in The Stygian Lepus online magazine. The full story will also be released as a print edition.
You can read chapter 1 here.
Free Cthulhu Mythos fiction!
I'm proud to announce my latest writing appearance, in Electric Spec, Volume 18, Issue 3.
"Necropolis Waltz" by Glynn Owen Barrass--Even after an ancient god's apocalypse, an unlikely band of survivors fights to preserve what's left.
Weird Fiction Quarterly - Summer 2023
It’s Summer and what better way to celebrate than with the latest issue of Weird Fiction Quarterly?
From the same demented gang that brought you the Winter and Spring installments, bring this new Summer edition with you to the beach, and perhaps, use it as a rolled-up weapon to hit your younger sibling AFTER you’ve read it. (This last suggestion is not endorsed by the Weird Fiction Quarterly Staff. We never advocate violence. Never. -The Editor)
Sit back and enjoy the strange stories you’ve come to expect from our writers where family vacations are a bit bloody; The Ancient Ones want blood; nature wants blood; nothing is at it seems; you can escape the heat, but it might eat you; aliens and monsters come visiting; frogs talk; we learn why we all SCREAM for ice cream, and please, please, we ask you NOT to go into the water.
Featuring flash fiction from a host of authors, including:
Tony Bradbury, Michael Alan Carlyle, Rhys Hughes, Scott J Couturier, Dean M Drinkel, Frank Floyd, Simon Bleaken, Roger Keel, Jill Hand, Andy Joynes, Dale W Glaser, Duane Pesice, Erica Ruppert, Nora B Peevy, Jayaprakash Satyamurthy, Robert J Sodaro, Shayne Keen, Can Wiggins, Sarah Walker, Jay Sturner, John Paul Fitch, Glynn Owen Barrass – and more!
See you on the beach!
USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8R9DDGF
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C8R9DDGF
Flashing Swords 7. Edited by Robert M. Price.
The Pickman Papers, from Innsmouth Gold.
This collection of Lovecraftian tales in a Dickensian style features my short story, The Feaster From Afar. It is about a Glaswegian detective despatched to the North Yorkshire Moors to investigate a series of grisly murders.
Get a paperback or ebook copy here - https://mybook.to/papers
Also features stories by Miguel Fliguer Lee Clark Zumpe Mike Slater Tony Bradbury Gavin Chappell B Harlan Crawford John A DeLaughter Russell Smeaton John Houlihan Shelley De Cruz Tim Mendees & Inns Gold
"It is 1826, and the august members of the Pickman Club gather for their Annual Dinner. As is usual, members are asked to share any recent strange or singular experiences with the group. And so, dinner done, the assembled gather round the fireplace as each, in turn, narrates their tale.
Here are those stories, collated by one who was there, presented for your interest and enjoyment. But be warned! The tales within reveal many disturbing secrets about our world and the things that lay beyond and, in some cases, beneath it.
Read then, if you will, of beings of the outer cosmos, and of the peculiar traditions of decaying, seaside towns. Learn of cursed family artefacts and the dangers of experimenting with exotic drugs. And hearken to the chilling reality revealed by the digging of the Thames Tunnel…"
Lovecraftiana: Vol 8, Issue 1, Walpurgisnacht 2023
I'm very proud to announce my latest fiction appearance!
And I made the front cover!
St Walburga's Eve is upon us again, unleashing a riot of cacodaemoniacal horrors of art, poetry, and narrative.
I'm incredibly proud to announce my latest fiction acceptance!
The upcoming anthology Eldritch Investigations: Lovecraftian Tales of Occult Detection will feature my story "Mother of Serpents" amongst other great tales.
Edited by Tim Mendees
Available now!
Weird Fiction Quarterly Volume 2.
The Spring issue is here and filled with wonderful weird flash fiction
Edited by Russell Smeaton
Writers include:
Glynn Owen Barrass • Simon Bleaken • Tony Bradbury • Michael Alan Carlyle • Scott Couturier • Dean M. Drinkel • John Paul Fitch • Frank Floyd • Dale Glaser • Jill Hand • Rhys Hughes • Andy Joynes • Chris J. Karr • Roger Keel • Shayne Keen • Nora B. Peevy • Duane Pesice • Erica Ruppert • Russell Smeaton • Robert J. Sodaro • Steve Stred • Jay Sturner • Sarah Walker • Can Wiggins • J Edward Zuleger
UK Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BW32LWCX
US Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BW32LWCX
Canada link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BW32LWCX
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